Shot 1 allows the audience to understand that this character is most likely trapped or hiding from the two other male characters. Her hair in camouflaged with the shadow behind her which may signify the fact that she wants to stay hidden. Furthermore, the ambient lighting, possibly deriving from a window, may symbolise her urge to escape. This creates tension as we as an audience know she wants to escape but realise she can't without being seen.
Shot 2 is a close up. The characters face is slightly turned conceivably indicating that she is trying to listen for any bits of key information that the two male characters may be talking about. Although, her eyes are focused on the drawers beside her. From this, we can assume that she was maybe looking for something in those drawers but got interrupted by these two men. Her facial expression does tell the audience that she is frightened but still intrigued with the other two characters conversation.
Shot 3 is at a slightly low angle. It allows the female character to appear more vulnerable to the audience. The male character with the leather jacket appears to be holding what looks like a gun as the other male character is in agitated state. His stereotypical facial expression allows the audience to realise that this character is frightened of the other male character or maybe held hostage. In addition, the female character seems to be listening hard into the conversation between the two males. The character in leather could also be seen as the villain by his type of clothing. Black leather connotes a dark and evil atmosphere. Stereotypically, villains don't often wear formal or casual attire. The other male character is wearing formal clothing which may indicate that he has a job working with teenagers at a school. The fact that the female character is listening to intriguingly creates tension as we may ask ourselves what decisions she will make after gathering all the information she requires. From all this information, the audience can presume what genre this film/ series fits into.
Shot 4 is also at a slightly lower angle. The phone may possibly tell the audience how old this film/ series is. In a modern day film/series, we expect touch screen phone but this one is obviously not touch screen at looks quite old. The fact that we can see carpet may suggest that the female character is holding the phone as we know she is the one crouching down. The phones composition may suggest that the character holding it isn't desperate to use it, it's not pressed against her ear. It also looks like she is showing the phone to someone else possibly indicating that she has been caught by the two males or there is someone else there.
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